Master of Education in Inclusive Education (Full Time) |
General Aims
The proposed M.Ed in Inclusive Education programme aims to:
- produce teachers and professionals with formal qualification in special and inclusive education who are equipped with sound knowledge and skills to teach and respond to students with special educational needs;
- develop awareness and skills in teachers and professionals to critically explore policy and practice in Special and Inclusive Education (SIE) within Bhutan and at the international level;
- produce teachers and professionals with deep understanding and appreciation of inclusive philosophy; and
- build on teachers’ and professionals’ prior knowledge and develop the skills necessary to support the needs of individuals experiencing a range of barriers to learning and participation.
The specific objectives of this programme are to develop teachers and professionals:
- who demonstrate deep understanding of the knowledge of various types of disabilities and exhibit skills to respond to the educational needs of those children who are identified as having disability;
- with competency to critically explore policy and practice in special and inclusive education, nationally and internationally;
- with competency to identify and reduce barriers to individual student’s learning and development;
- with competency to foster educational environments that recognise difference, value diversity, foster high levels of student engagement and learning, challenge social injustice and inequity, and support collaborative relationships among students, parents/ caregivers, staff and professionals;
- who are equipped with skills and knowledge in instructional practice related to supporting students with learning difficulties and disabilities in inclusive classrooms;
- who understand and demonstrate knowledge of observation, documentation and assessment processes in inclusive classroom settings; and
- who understand the philosophy of inclusion, possess skills to identify children with special needs and those at a higher risk of experiencing barriers to learning and exclusion and to take care of their needs and make referrals where necessary.
Programme Structure
Year |
Sem |
Modules |
1 |
I |
PSY505 Understanding Learners and Learning |
CUR506 Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment |
ISM501 Inclusive Education: Policies, Perspectives and Practices |
ISA502 Supporting Students with Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties |
II |
ISA503 Intellectual Disabilities and Multiple Disabilities |
ISA504 Understanding and Teaching Gifted Children |
ISA505 Learning Difficulties |
ISA506 Applied Behaviour Analysis |
2 |
I |
RES604 Research Methods in Education |
ISM602 Management of Special Educational Needs Programme |
ISA607 Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment and Physical Disabilities |
ISA608 Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
II |
RES605 Case Study Project |
Admission Criteria
To be eligible for enrolment in this programme, the candidate should:
- Hold a bachelor’s degree (BEd; BA; BSc) from a university or an institution recognized by RCSC;
- Have scored a minimum of 50% in English Language Proficiency Test comprising of a written test and oral interview. The aim of the test will be to assess the candidate’s analytical ability and language proficiency so that the candidate can cope with the programmes demands on language and higher order thinking.
- The English Language Proficiency Test and the oral interview will be conducted virtually.