Counselling Project

Enhancing Mental Heath, Counselling and Wellbeing Support
for University Students in Bhutan


This is a project supported by the European Union through Erasmus+ programme is coordinated by Paro College Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan in partnership with University of Birmingham (UK), Institute University of Da MAIA ISMAI (Portugal), and Vrije University Brussels (Belgium). The two-year project aims to:

  • Establish a Happiness and Wellbeing Centre at the participating colleges of RUB.
  • Establish a lead Happiness and Wellbeing Centre at Paro College of Education with an extension at Samtse College of Education.
  • Train potential counselors and Centre Managers.
  • Develop a digital platform and an App to support mental health, wellbeing and counselling services.
  • Develop a training manual, working framework for the counselling centres and ethical code of conduct for counsellors working at the centres.
  • Support the centres for successful implementation of key activities related to education, training and research.


To know more about the project, visit