Paro College of Education would like to request the eligible Bhutanese bidders to kindly submit sealed bids for the following items/services:
- Supply of ICT Equipment
- Supply of Meat Items for Student Mess
- College Stationery Shop
- College Cafeteria (Nangka Campus)
Earnest Money (EMD) : Nu. 70,000/- for supply of ICT equipment and Nu. 30,000/- for supply of meat items, College Stationery Shop and College Cafeteria, in the form of demand draft/cash warrant/bank guarantee in favor of President, PCE, Paro
Cost of bidding document : Nu. 500/Set (Non-refundable)
Duration of sale of bidding document: 25/07/2022 to 03/08/2022
Time and last date of submission : 04/08/2022 on or before 1200 hours
Date of opening tender : 04/08/2022 at 1500 hours
For clarification, if any, please contact the Store In-charge, Procurement Section at 08-272263 during the office hours.