First Masters Programme in Inclusive Education Launched @ dz


First Masters Programme in Inclusive Education Launched

On 20th February 2020, Paro College of Education achieved another significant milestone in its educational development journey. The College launched its long-awaited two-year Masters of Education in Inclusive Education programme on that historic day. A total twenty-one students from the SEN schools in the country and one privately funded candidate enrolled in the programme.

The opening ceremony was graced by the Honourable Secretary of Ministry of Education, Vice Chancellor of RUB, officials of Paro Dzongkhag Administration, UNICEF Bhutan, civil society organizations, school principals, ECCD centres, and members of the community in Paro. At the launch ceremony, the MEd Graduate Student Handbook was also launched. The Masters programme programme will provide an avenue for the current teachers and professionals working in the field of special education and disability to upgrade their knowledge, skills and professional qualifications. The programme will also address the challenges schools in Bhutan face with shortage of trained and qualified teachers and other professionals to support and respond to the needs of children with disability in inclusive settings.

PCE President Dr Dorji Thinley said that the aim of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 is to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and to “ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities … and children in vulnerable situations”. He said that the launch of the two-year M.Ed programme in inclusive education was a special achievement for RUB, the Ministry of Education, UNICEF, civil society organizations, and all stakeholders who have supported the programme.